Important Client Update: COVID-19


Schedule recurring payments

If you have not previously saved a payment method, you will need to add a credit card or bank account to your profile. Instructions on how to do this are detailed on page three of this document.

  1. The initial steps for logging-in and setting up an account are the same as in account setup
  2. Click on the CCC Invoices tab on the top of the page
  3. Select the invoice to paySelect a future invoice for payment. Please note reoccurring payments can only be set-up when an un-paid, future invoice is selected.2-3-4auto_pymt
  4. Click on “Schedule to pay” (clock icon).Note: a new window will be displayed prompting credit card information.
  5. Select the saved payment method
  6. Select Payment Plan Type. This designates an automatic payment
  7. Select “Save”5-6-7pymt_plan
  • Payment review and receipt steps are the same as detailed in one-time payments
  • Payments will now be deducted automatically from the payment source indicated three (3) calendar days before the due date


One-time payments
Cancel recurring payments