CCC TRUE Parts Network Connects You Directly to Suppliers

CCC Corporate / Collision Repair Newsletter /

Getting the parts you need when you need them is critical to your business. Delays, the wrong part and returns negatively impact cycle time, which ultimately impacts your CSI, not to mention your profit margins.

To make this process easier, CCC has set out to connect you directly to your suppliers, building an interface between the system you use today – CCC ONE – and your parts suppliers’ inventory management systems.  From right within your CCC ONE repair order screen you can select from among available suppliers, search for parts, get real time quotes, purchase parts and receive electronic invoices. By automating the process and embedding it within your workflow, parts ordering is more efficient and accurate.

“Parts ordering within CCC ONE Repair Workflow is seamless,” said Allen Beale, Parts Manager for Mainline Autobody, located in Santa Maria, CA. “I can search and purchase parts from right within the same screen I’m already working without ever having to go to an individual supplier website. And, when I order a part electronically, I can also get invoiced electronically, which has cut the time I spend on each invoice from two minutes down to two mouse clicks. If all suppliers could send me their invoices through CCC ONE, life would get even easier.”

CCC introduced its electronic parts ordering functionality in late 2013 with Keystone Aftermarket parts. Since that time more than a dozen additional aftermarket suppliers have signed on and 1-800-Radiator has become operational. By the end of 2014, we will have OE Dealers and recycled parts also available.

Both repairers and suppliers realized some immediate benefits in speed, accuracy, and efficiency.  Orders could be placed late at night and parts get received in the morning.  Invoices no longer had to be re-keyed and verified.  Suppliers could give customized quotes based on the buyer and even the insurer.  Maybe most dramatic is the drastic reduction in part returns. Current users have seen a 40 percent reduction in return rates.

More information is available on our Parts webpage.